My CapTel Contacts
The MyContacts website helps manage the Contacts on your CapTel phone. You can add new contacts and phone numbers, then "sync" them with your CapTel phone. You can also add photos to your Contact List.
Once your Contact List is synced with your CapTel phone, you have the option to save your Contacts on this computer. If you do not to save your Contacts on your computer, any changes will be lost.
To start managing your contacts click "Add Contact" in the lower left.
To load contacts from your CapTel phone: click "Sync Contacts" then choose "Load Contacts from Phone".
Favorites List
Drag and Drop a contact from the left to add to your "Favorites List". To delete a favorite, simply click the entry you would like to remove.
Speed Dial List
Drag and Drop a contact from the left to add to your "Speed Dial List". To delete a speed dial, drag on top of the Trash Can.
Load Contacts from CapTel Phone
ESN List:
Save Contacts to CapTel Phone
ESN List: